Shine 2020, the Goldsmiths’ Centre’s annual new talent showcase in jewellery and silversmithing, opens this Friday at www.goldsmiths-shop-talent.org. Celebrating emerging UK designer-makers, a special preview event will be held on 17th September at 6pm. Join to see the eleven hand-picked makers present their new collections in conversation, and showcase their inspiration and skills through behind-the-scenes short films.
Each maker has been supported through an intensive online skills training programme, delivered by the Goldsmiths’ Centre and designed to get them market ready for the online opening.
Shine 2020 provides a platform for the best new talent in the industry. Every purchase of their work made via www.goldsmiths-shop-talent helps to support emerging and thriving careers.
This year’s Shine 2020 exhibitors are:
Caitlin Hegney |
Daisy Grice |
Ellys May Woods |
Francesca Urciuoli |
Heidi Carthew |
Katharina Kraus |
Katie Watson |
Lyndsay Fairley |
Megan Brown |
Sarah Shelton-Palmer |
Yilin Wang |
Two further Meet the Makers events will be held on 30th September and 5th October showcasing new-talent makers participating in Shine 2020 and the Goldsmiths’ Company’s Goldsmiths’ Fair. Each will introduce their inspirations and making stories, and talk about their practice and techniques.
Charlotte Dew, Public Programme Manager explains: “We can’t wait to officially launch Shine 2020 and celebrate the incredible talent of these 11 emerging jewellers and silversmiths. They have all been on an intensive journey this summer, learning a wide variety of new skills to prepare them for selling their collections online, now and in the future. We’re really proud of how much they have learnt, and the Goldsmiths’ Centre team is delighted to be putting a spotlight on their incredible talent.”
Shine 2020 makers will be showcasing and selling their work from 18th September 2020 online at www.goldsmiths-shop-talent.org